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Careers Programme Information

Careers Information Advice & Guidance at Park View

Careers Lead:

Mr M Palton

Park View School, West Green Road, London, N15 3QR

Statutory Guidance 2018

Statutory Guidance (updated January 2018) places schools under a duty to secure access to independent Careers Guidance for their pupils in Years 7 (11 – 12 year Olds) through to Year 13 (17 – 18 year olds). Careers Guidance secured under the new duty must:

  • be presented in an impartial manner
  • include information on the full range of post-16 education or training options, including apprenticeships
  • promote the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given.

Head Teachers, school staff and governing bodies must have regard to this statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State in exercising their functions under this section.

Schools have a role to play in supporting their pupils to make well informed and realistic decisions by providing access to impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of education and training options that are most likely to help young people achieve their ambitions. From September 2015 young people will be required to participate in education or training/apprenticeships until the end of the academic year in which they have their 18th birthday.

In fulfilling our duty, Park View has a Careers Adviser come into the school offering independent one-to-one impartial careers guidance (Careers Advisers are professionals who help young people generate and explore career ideas, the skills, qualifications, and personal characteristics needed for different career areas and the qualifications, skills and routes into different jobs and careers).  The Careers Adviser works primarily with Year 10 and 11 on careers insight and progression options relating to further education and Year 9 to support those with complex special educational needs/and those with Education, Health and Care Plans as well as supporting with the GCSE Option Choice process.

Park View offers wider careers activities such as year 10 work experience that offers young people insights into the world of work. The Careers Adviser also organises a range of careers aspiration activities to help further enlighten students of Park View about their future opportunities. For example, all Year 10 students attend a university aspiration day at a campus university to glean real insight to university study and life.

The Statutory Guide for Careers Education in line with Section 42a and Section 45a of the Education Act 1997 states that schools must secure independent careers guidance for young people. Park View Community School employs an independent Careers Adviser, Mr. Chris Kennington, who works for the school three days a week, delivering different Careers Guidance activities.

Young People with Special Educational Needs

The Careers Adviser works with the SENDCO to identify students who require specific support due to their more complex educational needs so that they are identified early and given careers information, Advice and Career Guidance to support KS4/GCSE options in year 9.

The Careers Adviser also where possible attends the Annual Reviews for years 9 and 11 students.

For all SEN Year 11 students the Careers Adviser completes SEN Student ‘Action Plans’.  These feed into the Education, Health and Care Plans for students who require them and intensive support is offered for transition into further education.

The duty of schools is to expand advice and guidance for young people so that they are inspired and motivated to fulfil their potential. Students should have high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers.

Park View Community School in line with the statutory advice and guidance has sustained contacts with employers and mentors who can inspire pupils to fully achieve their potential.  

We work in partnership with local employers and other education and training providers like colleges, universities and apprentice providers ensuring that students benefit from experience of the world of work to help them make decisions about education and training options.

Careers Guidance is about inspiration and aspiration. Contacts with employer networks, FE Colleges, HE institutions, mentors, alumni, or other high achieving individuals can motivate pupils to aim higher and consider a wider range of education and career options.

Careers Education and Guidance takes place throughout a student’s life from Year 7 through to Year 11 in Park View

Year 7

In Year 7 Careers education is delivered through tutorials and discrete PSHE lessons and assembly presentations. In addition, we work with IntoUniversity who conduct a series of workshops (concerned with individual confidence and communication skills and progression awareness) with a criteria identified group of 30 students; each Group of students then receives follow up workshops from Years 8-11.

Year 8

As with Year 7 there is a programme of careers education in tutor time and discrete PSHE, plus the work with IntoUniversity, who conduct a series of workshops (concerned with individual confidence and communication skills and progression awareness) with a criteria identified group of 30 students; each Group of students then receives follow up workshops from Years 8-11.

Year 9

The focus in Year 9 is on preparing students for their Key Stage 4 options.  There is an extensive programme of activities in tutor time and discrete PSHE. There are also presentations in assemblies, a taster day where students learn about the various subjects on offer, an options evening for parents and students, and every student is given an individual options interview. The Careers Adviser also carries out a series of workshops on Option Choices for a range of Year 9 students such as the SEND group of students and also carries out one to one interview for a number of students with motivation/attendance/behavioural issues.

In addition, we use various Careers Guidance Programmes with Years 9-11.  Such programmes help students look at their strengths, interests and personal characteristics and so relates to job/career ideas.  This helps develop their self-awareness and builds maturity and benefits from our Careers Education/PSHE and Work-related learning curriculum. 

In addition, the Careers Adviser offers options related drop-in sessions in the library beginning in February, each year, leading up to the hand in of GCSE/KS4 Options Choice application. He also carries out some one-one interviews with Year 9 students.

The Careers Adviser also attends the Year 9 Options Evenings.  Please use this opportunity to discuss your careers related questions with the Adviser.

The Careers Adviser offers Spring Term Options Interviews for those students requiring motivation and focus. Referrals made by tutors.

IntoUniversity work continues work with Year 9s and alumni come in to give motivational presentations as part of the workshops.

Year 10

Aspiration Trips All Year 10 students go on an aspirational trip in the Autumn term to a campus University. Typical universities visited include Brunel, Anglia Ruskin, Canterbury Christ Church and Hertfordshire Universities.

Work Experience In addition, all Year 10s currently embark on a work experience programme for one week at the end of June, in the summer term. We believe that work experience plays an important role in encouraging and inspiring students to aim higher giving them a taste of the world of work.

We obtain our work experience opportunities via the local Education Business organisation called Diamond Education Services, although students are also encouraged to ask for help from family and friends to secure a placement. All students are helped and supported with work experience preparation and visited on their placements by a member of staff. The school also has in place a programme of careers education to help students prepare for their work experience, covering aspects such as telephone and interview skills, and how to identify health and safety risks at work.

Employer presentations We also seek opportunities for employers to come in and talk to students in Years 9 and 10, and every year offer other work and college related trips. For example, in the recent past a group of Year 9s went to visit Price Waterhouse Cooper’s HQ.

Further Education insight each year the whole of Year 10 cohort visit Haringey Sixth Form College in the summer term to have taster sessions of BTEC and other further education programmes and courses. This helps them formulate ideas of what they might want to choose post Year 11.

IntoUniversity work continues with Year 10s and focus is placed on development of further education options

Year 11

Careers Library (early Autumn Term) Careers Resources in library are explained to students so that they can do careers research of job/occupations ideas, routes into and qualifications required in preparation of making applications to opportunities for transition into further education.

There is a careers education programme for Y11 aimed at helping them make the right post 16 choices and helping them with their college interviews and applications, as well as preparing them for post school life. This is delivered through tutorials, discrete PSHE lessons and assemblies.

Careers Fair: Every year the school hosts its own careers fair for Y11s where they meet a selection of employers and post 16 providers such as colleges, 6th Form Centre’s and Training/Apprenticeship companies. 

The Careers Adviser attends Year 11 Parents evenings.  Please use this opportunity to discuss your careers related questions with the Adviser.

Park View Alumni – Park View promotes networking with former students of Park View to help them get involved in presentations and workshops with existing students as a way of increased motivation and aspiration as well as an insight to the world of work from a young person’s (Alumni) perspective.

IntoUniversity work continues with Year 11s and focus is placed on development of further education options and more insight to higher education options

How can you support your child’s Career progression in Year 11 of Park View?

It is extremely important young people are supported with the transition of leaving school after year 11.  They have their studies, revision and then exams to manage.  They need to have applied to at least one college/sixth for/training provider by December of Year 11 and another two by the end of January in Year 11. By supporting your child with making applications and encouraging them to visit open days/evenings and then attending interviews in the spring to early summer term (January – March) you can help your child make positive transitions.  Please use the information on this web page giving useful websites so that you can be up to date with options and pathways to help your child make the best decisions.  All young people can register with the Local Authority and national apprenticeship web sites.  Even if not their first option choice if they do not register, they could miss out on opportunities they may want to consider.  Having at least one offer of full-time education for further education is also extremely important.  It can be very disheartening for young people to see their peers enter education in the September after leaving Park View and they find themselves without an offer.

How does Park View measure and assess the impact of careers guidance and support on its pupils?

Through various Careers activities, for example the 'IntoUniversity' workshops are evaluated by the facilitators. Also Careers Interviews are evaluated by an online survey.

Careers Education Policy 

Useful Websites:

National Careers ServiceiCloudProspectsYouth SpaceGovernment website - Apprenticeships


Impact of the careers programme

Evaluation of Careers Guidance interviews is carried out on a one-to-one basis. Workshops, for example with the charity organisation ‘IntoUniversity’ also carry out regular evaluation which helps toward development of future activities. Evaluation for aspiration events is also carried out. All evaluation information is available on request.

Date of Review of information published:

January 2025

Careers Department