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- Art & Design
Park View provides a high-quality Art and Design education for students at both Key Stage 3 & 4, designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
As pupils progress, they are given the opportunities to think critically and develop a thoroughly enjoyable understanding of art and design. They are also given the opportunities to question and reflect on how art and design shapes our history and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of humanity.
The Art curriculum at Park View aims to ensure that all pupils produce creative work through exploring their ideas and recording their experiences; become proficient in drawing, painting, object making; photography and other art, craft and design techniques; evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design; learn about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Year 7:
We study two projects in year 7. The first, ‘Shoes & Drink’ focuses on drawing from direct observation, collage and the visual links we make to artists work. The second project, ‘Structure’ goes into more depth about how we can use and be motivated or inspired by artists work. We look specifically at Aleksandr Rodchenko, MC Escher and Mauren Brodbeck. We use the mediums of Photography, collage and tone to make visual references to these artists.
Year 8:
The students in year 8 follow one theme for the entire year, ‘Colour, Shape and Form’. Within this project students are properly introduced to the Formal Elements. In the first term we concentrate on recording from observation drawing both simple and complex shapes. We reference the artists Giorgio Morandi here. Colour is introduced and term 2 focuses on colour mixing and working with a range of different paint/techniques. To assist we look in more depth at Mark Rothko, Joseph Albers and Kazimir Malevich. Term three takes us from colour into shape and we begin the task of turning 2D paintings into 3D sculptures. Using the work of artists Anthony Caro, Alexander Calder and Naum Gabo to assist we construct our pieces in different media ensuring that all pieces are balanced and reminiscent of the previous 2D work.
Year 9:
Once again we have broken the year into 2 projects with the overarching theme of Identity (Me, Myself & I)
Term one focuses on the different ways we communicate. We study the artists Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Lee Friedlander and Clement Cooper. We begin by looking at letters in the environment recording ideas through photography and text. The project moves onwards towards the concepts of truisms, poison pen letters and personal statements. The end of the term see us creating posters using our own statements, influenced by the photographers Cooper and Friedlander and artists Holzer and Kruger. Terms 2 and 3 we begin to look in more detail at drawing our identity. Starting with the work of Adrian Piper and Hannah Hoch we record facial features in a range of different media: chalk, charcoal, collage, acrylic paint. This leads us into our next artists Gary Hume, John Baldessari and finally into the work of street artist Van Ray.
GCSE Art & Design and GCSE Photography
If you wish to study Art at GCSE level at Park View you have a choice of either GCSE Art and Design or GCSE Art - Photography.
Both subjects support students looking to develop their creativity and understanding through visual language.
Reasons for choosing GCSE Art & Design and/or GCSE Photography:
Art at its most fundamental level develops your understanding of the world through enquiry and observation. Responding creatively to your environment is a way of learning more about yourself and other people. It is therefore a subject which is worth studying for its own intrinsic value.
Many companies, businesses and institutions value the skills developed on a GCSE Art course, as students can demonstrate being extremely self-motivated, industrious, creative and talented. There are also a wide range of careers that involve the sort of visual awareness that an Art GCSE will develop.
How will you be assessed?
Students will complete and be assessed on 3 coursework projects that each have their own theme & focus. This is worth 60% of the final grade. You will then work on the externally set assignment (the 'exam'). The preparation period consists of approximately 20 hours before a 10 hour Controlled Test under exam conditions. This is worth 40% of the marks.
Extra-Curricular opportunities
You will be taken on gallery visits in Year 10 and Year 11. The Art department also supports some students with artist led workshops in ceramics and photography. Students will need to spend time working on their ideas in lunchtimes or after school. We also encourage students to follow up their interests in Art and Design by visiting galleries and museums on weekends. There will also be the opportunity for some students to exhibit their work in public exhibitions / art spaces, as their work projects progress.
What Sixth Form options does this course lend itself to?
Art and Design is a valued qualification by Universities and will support applications for a wide range of courses. Some students wish to pursue careers which are directly related to a study of Art and Design – Fashion, Textiles, Interior Design, Theatre Design, Ceramics, Fine Art-painting and sculpture, Graphics and Illustration and Architecture .Other students, whether Arts or Science based, use Art & Design as an additional subject for University entry.